La Pianista Classica Surabaya - Competition rules
1. Fill out a REGISTRATION FORM & attach 1 (one) copy of BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
2. All participantsmust provide a soft-copy (PDF Files) of music scores and send to, no later than 10th of August 2018.
3. Any registration BEFORE 1st of July 2018 will receive a discount of IDR 25.000.
4. There will be no age restriction for all categories
5. Every participant will be judged personally based on their own performance.
6. No limitation on the award given as each participant will be awarded based on the judging result.
7. Repeat sign DOES NOT need to be repeated, DC & DS sign must be repeated. If there is room 1 & 2, then go straight into room 2.
8. All jury’s decisions are final & cannot be changed.
9. Registration end on 10th of August 2018. Contestants’ number will be raffled by the Committee on 15th of August 2018 & will be collected upon re-registration.
10. All contestants must memorize their piece & the time duration will be started, once the contestant starts playing.
12. Contestants may participate in more than 1 categoryor greater category.
13. Registration fee can be transferred to BCA 2160580880 Willyana
14. Payment receipt, registration form, and a copy of Birth Certificate can be emailed to
Information & Registration:
Ms. Willyana Zhao
Whatsapp : 081-8577-166
Line : lapianista
Email :